All about ICO sensors calibration

Why calibrate ICO sensors ?

When calibration is needed ?

How to calibrate probes ?

Reset ICO

Calibration PH

ORP calibration

Why calibrate ICO sensors ?

Calibration of your ICO's probes is necessary to ensure the reliability of the measurements sent to your application. If it is not done regularly, the pH measurements and disinfection rate (ORP) will become inaccurate may drift over time which can lead to inappropriate use of products (over or under dosing) and alter your bathing experience in your pool.

The calibration of the probes is therefore essential to keep the water healthy.

When calibration is needed ?

  • Seasonal use (pool and spa): calibrate your sensors once a year at the beginning of the season.
  • Annual use (pool and spa): calibrate your sensors twice a year, at the beginning of each semester.

How to calibrate probes ?

The necessary material

An ICO calibration kit composed of:

  • pH4 buffer solution
  • pH7 buffer solution
  • 470 mV ORP buffer solution
  • a base for calibration

To purchase a calibration kit, click here.

Before calibrating ICO

At the start of the season

  • Charge the ICO battery for 8 hours
  • Then switch on the ICO and immerse it in water for at least 24 hours to rehydrate and stabilise the measurement probes.
  • Then remove ICO from your pool and rinse the probes thoroughly under the tap before drying them with a soft cloth.

Preliminary instructions:

  • Perform the calibration in a room at room temperature (recommended temperature is 25°C / 77°F).
  • Place your ICO next to your smartphone
  • If you want to perform a full calibration, start with the pH calibration and finish with the ORP calibration. The ORP solution is acidic. If you start with the ORP calibration, this will interfere with the pH calibration.

You can follow the instructions on the application or watch this video:

Open the ICO app. Click on "remote control"

  • you can find a video tutorial, the boutons calibration sonde pH and ORP probe calibration.

Restart ICO

  • When you are on the Remote Control page, click on the Restart icon

pH calibration

Calibrating the pH sensor is tricky because it requires 2 measurements, with a change of solution. When you have completed the 2 steps, ICO checks the consistency of the measurements and may give you an error message if they differ. In this case, ICO will ask you to repeat all the calibration steps.

Calibration of the pH4 probe

  • Click on the icon pH probe calibration

Calibration starts with the pH4 solution

  • Rinse the probes thoroughly with clean water and dry them carefully with a soft cloth.
  • Pour the pH4 solution into the base
  • Clic on Start
  • Place ICO on the cradle and start the calibration

Calibration takes about a minute, so make sure you keep your phone close to ICO.

Calibration de la Sonde pH - Etape 2 - ICO Application
Calibration Terminé de la Sonde pH - Etape 2 - ICO Application

Important note: We recommend that you store the pH4 solution in another container until you are ready to use it the calibration has been validated, if you need to recalibrate.

Calibration of the pH7 probe

  • Rinse the probes thoroughly with clean water and dry them carefully with a soft cloth.
  • Do the same for the solution base
  • Pour the pH7 solution into the base and continue the calibration procedure
  • Click on Continue and then on Start

Calibration takes about a minute, so make sure you keep your phone close to ICO.

Then click on Register

pH sensor calibration error message

In some cases, your ICO device may report that the calibration of your probe did not work. Here are the cases that may explain this message:

  • ICO probes are not sufficiently hydrated, which is why it is important to leave ICO and the probes in water for at least 24 hours before calibration.
  • Calibration conditions are not good: the calibration base must be washed and dried, the probes rinsed with tap water and dried.
  • ICO was not restarted prior to calibration

If, despite these recommendations, calibration has still not worked, carry out the mineral water test..

ORP calibration

Calibration of the ORP probe

Before calibrating the ORP probe, rinse the probes thoroughly in clean water, then wipe them dry with a soft cloth. Do the same with the solution base

To calibrate the ORP probe :

  • Pour the 470 mV ORP solution into the holder and place the ICO
  • Click on the ORP probe calibration icon and start the probe calibration procedure
  • Then click on Start

Calibration of the ORP probe also takes a minute, so make sure you keep your phone close to ICO at all times.

  • Save the results, ICO is calibrated!

Rinse the probes again and dry them, then replace the probe cover.

ORP probe calibration error message

  • Make sure ICO has been in water for at least 24 hours before calibration
  • Make sure the probes and the calibration vessel are clean
  • Turn on ICO before calibration
  • If the measurement is not taken, restart ICO before trying again

If, despite these recommendations, the calibration has still not worked, contact our support department.

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