
All about water balance for your pool

Balanced water is based on 3 parameters: pH, alkalinity (TAC) and hardness (TH). The search for this balance is important because it guarantees the optimal efficiency of chemical products, the preservation of equipment and a perfect bathing quality.

obtain a perfect balanced water with ICO POOL

Water balance depends on the use of your pool

The environment and the use of your pool have a direct impact on the quality of the water :

  • The environnement ( trees, air pollution,...)
  • Number of people using it
  • Frequency of swimming

The number of pH, TAC and TH tests should be adapted to the external factors. Your water should be monitored very regularly. once per week - or daily on summer.

A regular care of your pool in addition with a regular filtration are essential to water quality and preservation of your equipment. Your tips to clean well your pool.

Parameters and values of optimal water

Here are some indicators to analyse to understand water quality :

  • pH (sanitation) : Ideally, your pool water should have a pH between 7 and 7.4 (for bromine treatment the pH should be between 7.4 and 7.6). These are the optimal values for water disinfection. All about pH
  • Le TAC (alcalinité) permet de connaitre la concentration en ions carbonates et bicarbonates. Cette mesure indique la capacité de l’eau à absorber les fluctuations du pH et à le stabiliser. L’unité de mesure du TAC est la ppm (partie par million) ou le degré français (°f) et elle doit varier de manière optimale entre 80 et 150 mg/l . En régulant le taux de TAC de votre eau (TAC+ ou TAC-) vous pourrez faire ce que l’on appelle « un tamponnage de votre eau. » Tout savoir sur l’alcalinité.
  • TH (hardness): TH is the hardness of water, which refers to the concentration of calcium or magnesium ions . It is measured in French degrees (°f) or in ppm.The ideal TH is between 10 and 20°f. The higher the TH, the harder and more calcareous the water becomes. Conversely, the lower it is, the softer the water. All about water hardness.
  • ORP (disinfectant) is used to control water disinfection quality. The higher the ORP concentration, the greater the capacity of the water to eliminate dangerous micro-organisms. For optimum disinfection of water at 25°C, international standards recommend ORP measurements of between 650 and 750mV.

Finally, water temperature is a very important parameter to control. Water that's too hot impairs the action of chemicals, and encourages the production of bacteria and algae.

Discover ICO Pool, a connected water analyser

ICO Pool analyzes water 24/7

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ICO POOL allows you to monitor the water balance of your pool