
ICO, at the Aquanale exhibition in Germany

ICO at the International Pool Show in Germany

After traveling to Barcelona during the Piscina & Wellness show in October 2017, a show during which a pan-European distribution agreement was signed with the SCP Europe Group, our connected island made the trip to Cologne on the occasion of the Aquanale trade show which took place from November 7 to 10, 2017.

Aquanale 2017 exhibit.ICO presented on the SCP booth

Aquanale in a few figures...

More than 300 international pool industry exhibitors from 30 countries around the world were present. Industry professionals discovered the latest innovations and services.

In a nutshell:

  • 26 600 visiteurs (sur le salon d’Aquanale et celui de FSB)
  • 4 days of exhibit in Koelnmesse
  • A 20,000 m² space 
  • 56 % des exposants et 62 % des visiteurs sont venus de l’étranger spécialement pour le salon

So this year Aquanale was in top form. Many new exhibitors combined with international visitors demonstrate the influence of this show in the Pool industry.

“Aquanale continue de surfer sur une vague de succès. Des solutions durables, à haute efficacité énergétique, étaient très attendues. De même que les systèmes de commande multi-fonctionnels et intelligents.

Aquanale 2017 exhibition aisle

ICO in its distributors

ICO was presented on the stands of our European distributor SCP Europe and Austrian distributor Peraqua.. Finally, the welcome given to ICO by pool professionals was once again very enthusiastic.

Cet nouvel événement nous permet de continuer le développement commercial d’ICO sur le marché Européen. De plus, il a confirmé que l’innovation et le digital sont des axes essentiels aux métiers de la piscine. Le marché des objets connectés nouvelle génération est en pleine expansion. Ils révolutionnent les habitudes concernant l’entretien de la piscine.

In conclusion, see you for new adventures of ICO.

view of SCP booth, partner of Ondilo
Peraqua booth at Aquanale 2017