Who are we ?

A l’origine d’Ondilo,  entreprise créée en 2015, il y a d’abord eu l’idée de créer une solution intelligente qui permette d’analyser plus simplement la qualité de l’eau d’une piscine et de guider les utilisateurs avec des recommandations personnalisées. 

To realize this project, our team of engineers and developers have designed ICO, a connected object for private pools and spas. We have developed and patented a unique dynamic water analysis technology. At the heart of the ICO technology are three principles: measuring critical water parameters, learning its behavior to anticipate its variations, and finally measuring the impacts of the surrounding environment. Together, these data allow for predictive and personalized analysis, with the goal of maintaining clean and safe water quality.

Our products are designed and manufactured in France

Today, ICO is available in 11 language and 16 countries..

Every day, our customers tell us how much peace of mind they have regained thanks to the simplicity of our recommendations. Indeed, these recommendations encourage better product dosage practices, for a positive impact on health, the environment and savings.


 ICO, and everything becomes clear.