Getting started with ICO step by step

To install and configure your ICO, watch the video below or follow the detailed procedure below

Quickstart ICO V1

Quickstart ICO V2

Here are the 5 main steps to get ICO up and running

Step 1: download and configure the ICO application

Etape 2 : allumer et régénérer les sondes de ICO

Stage 3: Getting ICO into the water

Step 4: connect ICO to the wifi

Stage 5: Launching the first measures

Step 1: download and configure the ICO application

Install the app

Download the application and open it on your mobile

Create a user account

  • open the application and click on Create my account
  • then enter your first name, surname, e-mail address and choose a password.

To create an account, you must accept the terms of use and privacy policy.

Click on the + that appears on your screen

Create a Pool or Spa profile

  • Click on "Create a new swimming pool" or "create a new spa"
Visual of the ICO application when creating the profile or the user must say if he creates this profile for a new pool or spa, but also follow a shared pool or spa

This profile will be automatically associated with the user account.

Enter the name of the pool, its location, its characteristics: volume, type of pool and type of disinfection

Visual of the ICO application that shows the step or the user must enter certain information to create his pool

Then click on "Save"

Link your ICO device to your user account

To associate your ICO with your user account , click Identify your ICO.

Visual of the ICO application that shows the menu once its account is created, with the appearance of the interface and the box identifying your ICO

You can click on Scan my QR code or enter the UUID, both of which you will find inside the ICO box.

Visual of the ICO application with the interface with the process to identify its ICO thanks to a QR code or with the UUID

If you can't scan the QR code, go to this page.

Step 2: Switch on ICO and regenerate sensors

Turn on ICO

Open the top cover of your ICO using the small screwdriver provided in the Ondilo box. Remove the intermediate cover.

  • If you have ICO Pool V2 or ICO Spa V2: Connect the USB cable (supplied in the packaging) to the USB port. Connect the cable to the mains.
  • When the LED flashes green three times, your ICO device is switched on.
  • If you have ICO Pool or ICO Spa : Press the ON/OFF button for 5 seconds. When the LED flashes green 3 times, ICO is on.
  • Then close ICO. When reassembling, align the notch in the cover with the keying pin on ICO to ensure a watertight seal.
Visual of the application that indicates that the ICO cover must be replaced before putting it in the water
Diagram showing the importance of the ICO cover on watertightness

Regenerate ICO sensors

Follow the steps suggested in your application to regenerate your pH (blue sensor) and ORP (yellow / orange) sensors. The TDS sensor (gray) is not affected by this step.

drawing to illustrate how to regenerate the ICO pH and ORP sensors when starting up ICO Pool or ICO Spa.
  • Unscrew the bottom part of your ICO to access the sensors.
  • Versez quelques gouttes de solution KCl « storage » (inclus dans le packaging de votre ICO) dans deux bouchons noirs pour imprégner les petites éponges jaunes à l’intérieur.
  • Immergez les deux sondes pH ( bleue) et ORP (jaune) dans le liquide pendant 1h.
  • Remove the black caps from the sensors and keep them in the packaging box, as you'll need them again during wintering.
  • Validate this step at the end of the countdown.

ICO application screen displayed when the ICO pH and ORP sensor regeneration step is launched.

Continue with the rest of the installation by following the instructions in the ICO application.

Step 3: Getting ICO into the water

You can now immerse ICO in water.

Visual of the application that indicates to remove the black caps from the sensors with put ICO in the water

Click on Continue to connect your ICO to the wifi.

Step 4: connect ICO to the wifi

ICO will automatically search for networks around it

It will then suggest a list of networks. If your network does not appear in the list, click on Other network and enter your network name and security key manually.

Once a network has been selected and the wifi key entered, ICO will attempt to access the internet.

A countdown shows the possible duration of this step.

  • ICO is now connected to the Wi-Fi network!

Step 5: Launching the first measures

Installation is now complete, and ICO will send you its first measurements in a few minutes.

View of the application showing that installation is complete and that it is connected to the wifi network

For even more personalised recommendations, click on Yes, I continue to complete the configuration of your pool / spa

View of the application showing that ICO is now active, and that you can complete the configuration of your pool to obtain even more personalised recommendations

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