
Installing an above-ground pool

The out-of-ground swimming pool seduces more and more consumers. If it was once the poor relation from an aesthetic point of view, manufacturers now offer elegant models of all sizes, more ecological and more economical. Whether you live in the center of town or have a plot of land in relief, the above ground pool may be THE solution for you.

La piscine hors-sol s’adapte à tous les terrains

The above ground pool is THE solution if your land is sloping or hilly. Thanks to its self-supporting structure, it is suitable for steeply sloping grounds. Indeed, the crucial point to install an outdoor pool is the nature of the land that will host it. Whether they are made of wood, rigid shell or tubular, a wide range of models with ecological materials are marketed by the manufacturers.

La piscine hors sol s'adapte aux terrains , notamment dénivelés.

More ecological swimming pools

Faced with the strong demand of consumers, professionals have adapted by offering products with more ecological, water-saving and easy to maintain materials.A new European standard now requires manufacturers to indicate the A to F energy rating of their products and equipment.

Les piscines hors-sol sont de toutes tailles (modèles XS sans permis de construire) et rivalisent d’esthétisme avec les piscines enterrées. Grâce aux nouvelles solutions énergétiques, de nombreux fabricants proposent des solutions plus économes en consommation d’eau et en électricité.