A Wi-Fi network extension solution can improve the signal strength next to your pool or spa. This system allows ICO or any other connected object to broadcast its data.
Network scope optimization is required if:
- The Wifi signal is not sufficient to allow ICO to send its measurements.
- You want to enjoy your connected objects and access the internet with a satisfactory connection speed.
What can disrupt the Wi-Fi connection in your garden and swimming pool?
Wi-Fi reception may be weaker if your pool is located in an area far from your box, or if there are disruptive elements (walls, bay windows, roller shutters, pool shelters, coping stones ....).
Certain elements or materials can easily interfere with the Wi-Fi signal. First of all, the Wi-Fi connection can be disrupted by windows, mirrors, household appliances and metal roller shutters. Thick concrete walls allow less of the signal to pass through. Metal is one of the materials that most disrupts the Wi-Fi signal. And don't forget your neighbours' Wi-Fi networks.

Pourquoi le Wi-Fi d’un téléphone est différent d’ICO?
Il y a 2 raisons. ICO est immergé dans l’eau et l’eau absorbe les ondes donc ça ne peut pas capter aussi bien qu’un téléphone qui est dans l’air. L’autre différence c’est que ICO n’allume son Wi-Fi que pendant l’envoi des données et que pendant tout le reste du temps le Wi-Fi est éteint.
Three solutions to optimize Wifi range
- An extension solution (Wi-Fi repeater) to extend the coverage area of your network
- A PLC plug to transmit your internet network via the power network
- A 3G / 4G relay to create another internet network via your mobile phone

What are the differences between these solutions?
- The repeater le principe de fonctionnement d’un répéteur Wi-Fi est assez simple. Il « répète » autour de lui la couverture Wi-Fi de votre box. La zone couverte par votre connexion sans fil est ainsi étendue. Pour optimiser sa portée, le répéteur ne doit être placé ni trop près, ni trop loin de votre box Internet.
- BPL (powerline carriers) : these allow you to relay your Internet connection throughout the house. This time, the network passes through the electrical installation. All you need to do is connect a PLC box to your box (and to the mains), and another to the wall socket in the location (inside or outside) where you want to connect to the Internet. An Ethernet port is supplied with each PLC kit for connecting your equipment. Some models also include a Wi-Fi chip for connecting a tablet or smartphone.

Connecter ICO à la solution d’extension Wi-FI choisie
When you create a Wi-Fi network with your repeater or powerline, you create a second Wi-Fi network in your home. It is very important to name this new network with a different name. For example, name this network "Ext_wifi" in order not to confuse it with the one of the internet box. Then connect ICO to this new network by following the manufacturer's instructions.