In order to obtain even more personalised recommendations, the ICO application allows you to select, from the catalogue of treatment products, the products that you are used to using for the maintenance of your pool.
What is the purpose of the treatment products catalogue ?
You can use this catalogue to configure the products you are used to using. This will enable ICO to send you more personalised recommendations.
Where can I find the catalogue of treatment products in the application?
You can access it in two ways: by clicking on the settings wheel or by pressing the circled icon at the bottom left.

Quick access in the multipool page
Click on the catalogue icon circled in red to go directly to the catalogue page.

Access from the settings
- Click on the settings wheel

- Select Produits & Équipements, then Treatment products

You can set up your treatment products using the tabs Main products and Complementary products.
The main treatment products
The four main products are set by default: a slow disinfection product, a shock disinfection product, a pH- product and a pH+.
In the bottom right-hand corner, the blue icon gives you access to the full catalogue (more on this later in the article).

Pour changer le conditionnement de ces quatre principaux produits, sélectionnez un produit et cliquez sur « changer de produit ». Vous pouvez par exemple changer le chlore en granules par du chlore choc en pastilles.

Complementary treatment products
To set up the additional products, press the small + next to each product type.

How do I set up the catalogue of treatment products ?
In the catalogue, 3 filter criteria allow you to select products:
- The type of product : algaecide, anti-phosphate, shock chlorine, flocculant, etc.

- La marque : générique ou marque spécifique

- Le conditionnement : cartouche, galets, liquide, pastilles

Please note that you cannot purchase pool or spa maintenance products from this catalogue. It allows you to enter the products you already have at home and which are intended for the maintenance of your pool.
To find out more about the parameters of the ICO application, click here.