How do I turn ICO on and off?

Dans cet article, nous allons vous expliquer comment allumer et éteindre ICO, l’analyseur d’eau connecté qui vous permet de surveiller la qualité de votre eau en temps réel. Que vous soyez un nouvel utilisateur ou que vous cherchiez simplement à vous rafraîchir la mémoire, ces étapes simples vous aideront à utiliser efficacement votre appareil !

Turn on ICO

Here are the steps to follow to turn on ICO: you can find our explanations in video on Youtube.

allumer ICO
  • Before switching on ICO, make sure your hands are clean and dry, so as not to get the inside
  • Next, take the opening tool supplied with ICO and open the top cover at the small notch
  • On the white inner cover, press the start button for 5 seconds until the LED lights up and wait for the LED to stop flashing. The LED should flash green 3 times.
  • ICO is now switched on, you can now follow the instructions given by the ICO smartphone application

Then close ICO. When reassembling, align the notch in the cover with the keying pin on ICO to ensure a watertight seal.

Make sure that the ICO is closed before putting it in the water. For our tips on opening and closing ICO, click here.

Switching off ICO

Pour éteindre ICO, vous pouvez regarder notre tutoriel sur Youtube en cliquant sur l’image ci-dessous.

Switching off ICO
  • Open the top cover using the opening tool
  • On the inner white cover, press the button for 5 to 6 seconds
  • the LED lights up yellow for 1 second and then goes out, which means that your ICO is switched off. 
  • Then replace the cover of your ICO and align the notch in the cover with the ICO keying pin.

Ne mettez pas ICO en contact avec de l’eau si le couvercle n’est pas correctement refermé. Cela garantit l’étanchéité de votre appareil.

fermer ICO

Now you know how to turn ICO on and off!

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