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pH measurement blocked: variation test

A pH variation test is required when an anomaly in the pH measurements is detected. When should this test be carried out? If pH measurements seem to be blocked or vary very little after adding products, you must first check the TAC (Titre Alcalimétrique Complet) value of your pool water with the help of your pool specialist. If the TAC is within the norm (between 80 and 150 mg/L), the pH variation test will then check that your device's sensor is working properly.

Perform the pH variation test

Stage 1: Initial pH measurement

For this step, your cell phone must remain close to your ICO to activate the Bluetooth connection.

  • Choose a clean bowl (or little flat-bottomed container)
  • Pour 25cl (8,5 fl.oz) tap water into the bowl until the sensors are submerged.
  • Unscrew the lower part of your ICO to access your sensors
  • Dip ICO into the bowl
  • In your ICO application, click on the remote control button in the bottom right-hand corner.
  • Then click on the Restart button at the bottom of your screen
  • Note the exact time, then wait 15 minutes until ICO has taken at least 2 measurements.
Image of the ICO application showing the step and button to restart ICO

Step 2: pH measurement after product addition

Keep your phone close to your ICO to perform this step.

  • Add 1g of pH+ or pH- granules (as available) to the same water.
    • If you don't have a kitchen scale, a level teaspoon is equivalent to 5g.
  • Mix the product until the granules have completely melted.
  • Dip ICO back into the water
  • Click the restart button on your application's remote control page
  • Note the precise time and wait 15 minutes until ICO has taken at least 2 measurements. 

Understanding test results

  1. If you find that the pH readings vary by at least 2 points (from 6.5 to 8.5, for example), the pH sensor is working normally and the variations are not blocked. You can, however, calibrate your pH sensor if in doubt.
  2. If the two measurements vary little between these two tests, please contact our support department. If you already have a ticket in progress, please reply to the last email you received, stating the times at which you carried out the tests. Our team will then be able to analyze the results and provide you with a solution.

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