Regenerate ICO sensors

Regenerating ICO probes with a KCl solution is an essential step in the maintenance of your pH and ORP probes. It ensures their reliability and extends their service life. Probe regeneration is one of the maintenance tips recommended by Ondilo. It affects the warranty period of your probes.

It is compulsory for the following three stages:

1. Use KCl solution when first starting up your ICO

You have just purchased an ICO Pool V2 or ICO Spa V2 device. A KCl solution to regenerate your pH and ORP sensors is included in your ICO box. This step must be carried out before the first use of your ICO to guarantee the reliability of the measurements of your sensors.

Image du sachet KCI qui permet de régénérer les sondes ph et ORP

Start by downloading the ICO application and scanning the QRCode in the box. This will identify your ICO device. Then follow the recommendations in your application to regenerate the two sensors.

Visuel de l'application ICO qui montre l'étape de "régénérer les sondes" ainsi que les explications
Image de l'application qui montre les informations donnés sur la régénération des sondes
  • Unscrew the bottom part of your ICO to access the sensors.
  • Pour a few drops of KCl solution into the black caps to soak the little yellow sponges inside.
  • Immerse both sensors in the liquid for 1 hour.

Continue with the rest of the installation by following the instructions in the ICO application.

You can follow the entire assistance procedure for completing the installation steps for your ICO here.

Don't forget to validate the regeneration procedure for your sensors in your application, in order to maintain the warranty.

Visuel de l'application ICO qui montre le message "régénération terminée" ainsi qu'une explication
Visuel de l'application ICO qui montre que la dernière étape de "Régénérer les sondes" a fonctionné

Spring: regenerate and calibrate your sensors when you restart your pool

When restarting your pool (or spa) and ICO for the season, use the KCl regeneration solution before calibrating your sensors.

Step 1: Regenerate sensors

After charging your ICO for 8 hours on the mains, switch it on. Access the sensors by unscrewing the bottom part of your instrument. Soak the pH and ORP sensors in KCl solution for at least 1 hour, pouring the liquid over the sponges in the black caps. Finally, rinse the sensors with demineralized water.

Step 2: Calibrate sensors

Now proceed to the calibration of your pH and ORP sensors, using the pH4, pH7 and ORP calibration kit solutions in that order. To perform the calibration of your sensors, click on the remote control menu of your ICO application, then on pH sensor calibration. Follow your application's instructions. On this page you'll find toutes les étapes pour calibrer vos sondes ICO.

3. Winter: store sensors with KCl during ICO winter storage.

KCl is a storage solution that preserves your sensors over winter. Don't forget to order your KCL solution in our Ondilo store at the end of summer!

Step 1: Prepare your sensors for winter with KCl

After getting out of the water and turning off your ICO device.

  • Unscrew the lower part of your ICO to access the pH and ORP probes
  • Rinse the pH (blue sensor) and ORP (yellow/orange sensor) sensors with distilled water.
  • Pour a few drops of KCL solution onto the yellow sponges in the black caps to soak them thoroughly.
  • Repeat the operation every 60 days (2 months) throughout the wintering period.

Step 2: Put ICO in winterization mode and store your device

Once you have validated the regeneration process in your application, you can activate the wintering mode in your application. Ensure that your unit is stored in a clean, dry and frost-free place. Learn more aboutICO winterization.

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