ICO Water Index

Our Water Index, a unique technology patented by Ondilo, lets you see at a glance the quality of the water in your pool. This bathing index summarises three parameters: the healthiness, balance and comfort of the water. The calculation of this index is based on 4 parameters measured by ICO: pH, disinfection (ORP or Redox), conductivity (or minerality) and temperature.

On this page, you'll find all the information you need to understand the Water Index, the parameters measured by ICO to analyse water quality, the different displays and customisation options.

The colour of the Water Index indicates the general condition of the water. ICO will give you the recommendations you need to keep your water healthy, clear and comfortable, and keep your Water Index a crystal clear blue.

How to read the water index colors

The Water Index has five colors. The color displayed in your bathing index is the result of the latest analysis of your ICO. It indicates the quality of your water.

Simple or detailed view of the bathing index

The simple view of your bathing index lets you check water quality and temperature at a glance.

By clicking in the centre of your screen, a detailed view of the latest measurements taken by ICO appears: pH, ORP, TDS and water temperature. If you lose your WiFi connection, ICO stores measurements for up to 48 hours. You'll receive them on your phone as soon as the connection is restored.

Water Index settings

Every hour, ICO measures the pH, ORP or Redox, TDS or salt, and temperature of your pond to provide recommendations for keeping your water healthy and clear. Here are some explanations to better understand each of these four parameters and how they are used by ICO's intelligence.

1. pH measure

This is the measure of the acidity (or basicity) of your pool water on a scale of 1 to 14.

At 7, the pH is neutral. Below this it is acidic, above this it is basic.

Measuring the pH is essential to check that the water is properly balanced. Well-balanced water requires fewer maintenance products and preserves coatings and equipment.

The pH of the bathing water should ideally be between 7.2 and 7.6*, in order to preserve the health and comfort of the swimmers, the equipment and to optimize the disinfection.

* Small differences may apply depending on the type of pool and the disinfection method chosen.

To find out more about pH, click here.

2. Sanitization (ORP / Redox)

ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential), also known as ORP, determines the disinfecting power of water by measuring the level of effective chlorine.

pourquoi ICO mesure le REDOX

Unlike the measurement of total chlorine or free chlorine, the ORP does not take chloramines into account. These are the chlorine 'waste products' responsible for unpleasant odours. As for potential chlorine, it will only be effective under certain conditions.

ORP is measured in millivolts (mV). ICO will adjust the minimum and maximum thresholds according to the configuration of your pool (type, equipment, etc.). You can adjust them at any time in the application. (see here)

To learn more about ORP or Redox, click here.

3. TDS mesure (conductivity)

TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids. This measurement is given either in mg/l or in ppm (parts per million). It indicates the amount of invisible solids present in the water. This includes minerals (calcium and sodium from chemicals) as well as particles brought in by bathers.

Too high a TDS can damage equipment (marks on the lining) and affect bather comfort (eyes, irritated skin). Finally, TDS affects the effectiveness of disinfectant products. When it is too high, it can reduce the effectiveness of treatment products.

  • TDS for a chlorine or bromine treatment
    • Pool / Spa with bromine or chlorine treatment : we recommend a value between 250 and 2000 ppm. In the case of a pool or spa treated with chlorine or bromine, the TDS measurement is a good indicator of the "age of the water". Indeed, as you swim and treat, the amount of dissolved solids increases. When the TDS reaches 2000 ppm or mg/L, you must renew part of the water to lower its concentration.
  • TDS for salt water treatment
    • Pool / spa salt treatment A value between 3,000 and 5,000 ppm (3 to 5g/l) is ideal. The vast majority of dissolved solids in the water are salt (sodium) added for disinfection.

TDS measurement provides information on the concentration of salt in the water. It enables ICO to provide tailored, personalised recommendations for adding salt to ensure the comfort of the water. To find out more about TDS, click here.

4. Water temperature measurement

More than just comfort, temperature measurement has a strong impact on water quality.

The warmer the water (up to a certain point of course) the easier it is for bacteria to grow. This is why the filtration time and the consumption of products are closely linked to the water temperature.

In your ICO application, default temperature thresholds are applied:

For swimming pools: 25 to 28°C - For spas: 35 to 40°C

The recommended temperature ranges take into account bathing comfort and the conditions required for balanced water.

However, as with all settings, it is possible to customise them as you wish within the application.

To find out more about customising minimum and maximum thresholds, click here.

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