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Function : manual measurement of ICO

The manual measurement function lets you analyse the water in your pool on command from your ICO. Once triggered, your device takes an instant measurement of the pH, TDS disinfectant power and water temperature. The results are displayed on your application's dashboard within a few minutes.

Check your pool water quality on request

You need to know the water quality in your pool or spa without waiting for your ICO's next hourly measurement? This function is available with version 3.5 of the application (and later versions). Visuel avec une image de l'application ICO qui montre la fonctionnalité prise de mesure manuelle
    • Click on the icon remote control of your ICO application (bottom right)
    • Place yourself close to your pond and your ICO device to activate a Bluetooth connection (less than 2 meters away).
    • Then click on the Take a measurement button on your application
    • Hold your smartphone close to the device for 3 minutes.
  • View your device's readings directly in the dashboard.

Instructions for use

Manual measurement shows you the state of health of your pool or spa water at a given moment. For example, after a chemical treatment or when your pool specialist visits. When manual measurement is activated, our algorithm takes the measurement into account. This will impact your ICO's future chemical treatment recommendation(s). La prise de mesure manuelle dans une eau autre que celle de votre bassin peut occasionner des recommandations erronées. Manual measurements are limited to 5 a day.

Understanding your ICO readings

You've just triggered a manual measurement and can't read the results? Your ICO application shows you at a glance the water quality index of your pool. This bathing index or Waterindex synthesises three parameters: disinfection, balance and water comfort. Visuel qui montre le tableau de bord du Water Index disponible dans l'application ICO For everything you need to know about ICO pH measurements or ORP of your ICO device, go to the measurements and probes help centre

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